Class symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.EventEditor
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Class symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.EventEditor


public class EventEditor
extends CustomOverrideEditorSupport
implements HelpIDProvider

This class is a custom editor for the Triggering Event property of the BindingModel bean. It uses EventEditorPanel as its editor panel (where end user can view and modify this property).

1.0 10/09/98
Alessandro Vernet

Variable Index

 o editorPanel
We keep a reference to the panel used to edit the Triggering Event property.

Constructor Index

 o symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.EventEditor()

Method Index

 o getAsText()
How this property is displayed in the Property List.
 o getCustomEditor()
Build the Component for this custom property editor.
 o getHelpID()
Implementation of HelpIDProvider.
 o getJavaInitializationString()
How the bean value will be initialized in the generated Java source.
 o helpPressed()
When the button help is pressed, we use the OpenAPI to invoke the help window.
 o okPressed()
When the OK button is pressed, we update the value of this property editor with the value entered by the end user in the editor panel.
 o setAsText(String)
Set the property value by parsing a given String.


public static final int IDJH_BM_TRIGGERING_EVENT
 o editorPanel
protected symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.EventEditorPanel editorPanel
We keep a reference to the panel used to edit the Triggering Event property.


 o EventEditor
public EventEditor()


 o getAsText
public java.lang.String getAsText()
How this property is displayed in the Property List.

getAsText in class CustomOverrideEditorSupport
 o getCustomEditor
public java.awt.Component getCustomEditor()
Build the Component for this custom property editor. It will use EventEditorPanel.

getCustomEditor in class CustomOverrideEditorSupport
 o getHelpID
public int getHelpID()
Implementation of HelpIDProvider. The help ID for this custom property editor.

 o getJavaInitializationString
public java.lang.String getJavaInitializationString()
How the bean value will be initialized in the generated Java source.

getJavaInitializationString in class CustomOverrideEditorSupport
 o helpPressed
public void helpPressed()
When the button help is pressed, we use the OpenAPI to invoke the help window.

helpPressed in class CustomOverrideEditorSupport
 o okPressed
public void okPressed()
When the OK button is pressed, we update the value of this property editor with the value entered by the end user in the editor panel.

okPressed in class CustomOverrideEditorSupport
 o setAsText
public void setAsText(String text) throws IllegalArgumentException
Set the property value by parsing a given String.

setAsText in class CustomOverrideEditorSupport

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